Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas time in Poland :)

This is my second christmas and i am a big boy who is not afraid of Santa! I even gave him high fives and took all my presents and sat on santas lap for a picture :)

I got mickey mouse and peppa pig puzzles which i could do all by myself!

Here it's me and Saya relaxing in the playground

Santa is here, act polite!

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Saturday 5 September 2015

Swimming in Baku with my new friends

Youssef Sr. & Youssef Jr
Same interests :)

 Today I had a fun day in the pool with my new friends

 Happy and Smiley! 
I got to eat all kinds of munchies today just like my big sister Sara!

That's me enjoying my icekeem! 
But then it was finished and I was a little sad and a little angry 

Thursday 3 September 2015

Cutie counting to 10 with mommy!

Mommy was counting with me and she was amazed when I counted along :) yes I am not all about voovoo and spidar! I can count! Omal eihhhh !

Monday 31 August 2015

Spending time in my new home

So lately this has been a fun activity I've been practicing in my new home. I also like opening the door to the house and opening all doors and closing them.

                                                         I like organizing the food in the fridge                                                      

I am learning everyday how to play with Sara and not make her angry. The other day I even sat next to her while she built a big tower of blocks and I did not try to break it ! I am growing!

Tickle tickle Saya!

Friday 21 August 2015

I am somewhere new

So i am not in Poland anymore, that's for sure since the people i was with there i can't find here. A new house as well, very big and lots of space to run around, lots of doors to bang lots of keys to pull out and lots of light switches that are just ky height.. this house was made just for me!

I had a tough day though today and yesterday, got on planes went to very noisy and full of people airports saw many new things.. the thing i remember most is the big huge noisy (and a little bit scary) "samolot"  ! I call it "samoo"

Saturday 15 August 2015

Bambo in the water :)

In this hot weather i love to take a dip in the pool with kuju ! 

Mama and sara drink Nesquik everyday and they dont want to give me any :( they say it makes me hyperactive.. so i get to lick the remains of their cups!

I found a flower in the garden! I smell it and then say "apsheek" just like tota taught me

Sara woke up and came to us in the garden so she deserves a good morning hug!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Past 4 months update

So 4 months have passed since the last blog post, during which a lot has happened in my life.

First of all .. I cut my hair when we traveled to Egypt, I do look handsome either way :)

I had a great time in Egypt, saw all my family and mommy's friends!

                                          This is me relaxing at the beach ...

This is me reading a magazine with Emanco..

This is me on the beach, I LOVE the water and sand!

And here I am trying to poke my new baby friend monmon

I am growing big and can eat by myself with a spoon!

I like the swings but only for a short while, I prefer the freedom of running around and exploring

My big sister takes good care of me, so I hold her hand so she could protect me

Beach, sun, bean bag and biscuit.. what else can one need to relax? :)

Checking out this cool car, I love cars!

Some fun in the sand before the sun sets and I will have to go to sleep

Very very hot day, we are going home..

Lovely cool water!

Fun in the sun

Again, I can feed myself, watch me!

 Oops! ok, now don't look.. mama will be mad..

Sorry mama, see this cute sorry face..

Sunday 15 February 2015

I'm handsome and I know it :)

So the pics from the photoshoot are in and check me outttt :)

Handsome, aren't I? And imagine this wasn't my best hair day.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Walking in the snow :) in my sneakers!

So I finally stepped on snow today for the first time in my life! Only I have no boots, only simple nike sneakers, so I got them all wet but it was worth it ! :)

Thursday 22 January 2015

I am 1 ! One! واحد! Uno! Jeden! Ein!

Oh Yes, i am :) 
I am one year old on the 21st of january.

I had a tiny birthday cake, some balloons and my family around and it was lovely! 

Saturday 17 January 2015

2015 updates.. Almost a year old!

So I have witnessed my first new years eve .. 2015 ! Here we are!
We went to Zakopane with cousins Maya, Hana and aunt Mona.
I was not the best company as i got really sick and did not enjoy one bit of the trip and i did my best to make sure mommy understood that I am NOT HAPPY AND REALLY TIRED!
Finally after coming back home i started antibiotics and the doctor said i have "tonsillitis".. 
Oh.. And i got a new tooth! Which just added up to my bad mood lately.. Thats my 7th now! 

I've been to Ikea lately too! Nice place but i missed nap time and they just couldnt decide on which carpet to get.. Black.. Brown.. Beige.. No black.. Enough! 
so i decided to doze off on grandma's shoulder instead
Then woke up and walked around a bit

I've been really grumpy and loud lately with my tooth coming in and all.. And i discovered the sharp sound of my voice which i just love! It seems to embaress mom and dad in public when ppl look when i squeek but ppl think im cute so its ok :)

I can laugh so much and then suddenly cry soo much! Its driving mommy crazy! 

Sara says it's Anna's birthday and i'm just playing along :)

Had a nice encounter today with many small babies in a meeting that mommy took me to.. Tried to find some small hairs to pull but most of the head were bald which served nice as a drum to my delicate hand :)