My Little Milestones

Birth: 2.85 Kgs, 49cm

10 days old
- First time to leave the house alone with mummy to drive Sara to the nursery.

2 Weeks old
- Attended first birthday party (Malika's 1st birthday)

1 Months+, 4.05 Kgs, 53 cm
- First trip with family to Ein El Sokhna (6 weeks)

2 Months+, 4.8 kgs, 56cm
- Mastered the skill of screaming for food, pain, sleep.
- Rollover from belly to back. Cried hysterically afterwards from the shock of doing so.
- Can smile a social smile.
- First sounds "Agheeee" 

3 Months+, 5.6 kgs
- First airplane ride from Egypt to Poland with Mama, Sara and mama's friends Hallouda, moody and Morsi.
- Rollover from back to belly.
- Can take the tetina out of my mouth with my hands
- Can hold onto a toy when put in his hands.
- Makes high pitched sounds and babbling.
- Sucking on hand

4 Months+
- First attempts at crawling while on tummy by pushing legs and head on the floor.
- Follows with his eyes while I eat my food from the plate into my mouth but wouldnt dare to try it :)
- Can hold toy firmly in hands.

5 months+, 6.8 Kgs
- Crawling on tummy ( soldier style)
- First 2 lower teeth appear

6 months+
- First foods
- Can control the tito by putting it into and out of his mouth, even during the night can reach for it alone.
- Sitting with support
- Standing with support
- Throws toys and tito onto the floor and then looks for them on the floor and repeats it again happily

7 months+, 8.2 Kgs, 72 cm, Head 45cm
- Sitting unsupported
- Can pull himself up onto furniture and in his crib. Many many many head bumps :)
- Can move around while standing up supporting himself onto furniture. Again, head bumps. 
- Can crawl properly on all fours and go to a sitting position from crawling.
- 2 Upper teeth appeared.
- Can play peekabo and covers face with towel, removes it and laughs :) (video)
- Can follow a simple instruction when i say: "fin el noor?" He looks up at the light and puts his hand up and smiles 

8 months+
- Waves bye bye
First time happened when we were at noha and mo's house leaving and he started waving his hand when we were saying bye bye. Noha noticed he reacted and i thought it was by coincidence but it wasn't :)

9 months+
- Can stand freely!
- Signs "milk" :)
- Puts hands on head when asked "fin rasak?"
- Likes to chase balls, stack cubes & boxes on top of eachother and put them apart
- Loves playing peekabo with anything that can cover his eyes
- Trying to master the skill of putting electric cables back into their sockets
- Has 3 upper teeth and 3 lower ones and grinds on them constantly
- Can walk supported onto walls
- Can clap his hands together (finally!)

10 months+
- Started to walk unsupported!
- Can eat a cheese toast, apple slices, chicken pieces by himself
- Can sign: Up, eat "um", sleep, khalas, milk
- Can put lego duplo and similarly sized blocks together and  break them apart

12 Months+
- On his birthday, Youssef suddenly stopped crawling entirely and started moving around walking only! :)
- First Molars appear.
- Youssef has 12 teeth now

13 Months+
- Can show the sign for "KAKA" when he actually did kaka or will do.
- Started napping only once instead of twice.

14 Months+
- Can understand and respond to simple commands like "go give sara this", "where is your tito", "get the shoes". Can generally see that he understands what I am saying to him.

15 Months+
- First words: Mama, saya, dadu (daddy), piciu (drink), 3ayza & 3ayzo (when he wants something), akol (eat), wooo (car), papa (bye bye)
- Youssef has a full set of teeth by now. So we are done with teething for now, until the 2nd set of Molars starts coming in.
- Started eating lunches that are not grinded in the blender.
- Started eating by himself using fork and spoon... and the food gets everywhere!

19 Months+
- Youssef can recognize the difference between a letter and a number, when he sees a number he says "Mama ten" and that's for any number :) while when he sees a letter, like on sara's bed there's a sticker with the letter M or on building blocks with letters he says "Mama T" 
- Youssef can speak in 2 words sentences like:
"3ayzo akol" , "daj Saya", "3ayzo tany" , "nie ma voovoo", "saya/mama come sit"
- Youssef learnt a lot of new words and everyday he says something new. He also has his own language sometime like:
Sa --> water for drinking
tika --> to unlock his stroller buckle
voovoo --> Car
He can say: bossi, daj, shoes, dinosaur, incy spidar, tinkel (star), bicycle, shoba (soup), roz, giba (gebna), tookaka (strawberries - truskawka) , kuczyki (keys kluczyki), cose (close), sit, come, maya (water) and many more ..

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