Thursday 25 December 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014

My First Steps!

Today is the mark of a new future and new experiences to come!

Experiences with a height of 80 cm viewing angle and with a reach of around 90 cm!

Say bye bye to crawling and hello to walking!

Today I have taken my first steps!

Friday 28 November 2014

Winter bambo ❄️

Bamboushy is 10 months old. The little moving cuteness loves playing with little blocks and sara's lego duplo blocks helping us do towers and houses :) he actually learnt what a lego piece is and responds to "bambo hat el lego" by giving us a piece and smiling proudly when we take it. He can also build the lego with us although he is better at destroying the tower we so carefully built .. Sara is learning to cope with it and starts from scratch or yells "mamaaaa khodi bambooo" which is much better than sitting on him or banging his head between her hands or sqeezing his hands till he cries.. So there's progress ehd :)

Bamboushi also looovess playing peekabo, loves being chased where he crawls quickly and laughs loudly whenever he feels someone is after him.

He knows the bathroom is a forbidden place to be so if i come near the bathroom and see him inside he gets startled and quickly crawls out as if he doesnt want to get caught :)

Winter has arrived and this is what a baby has to wear to go out :(

Reindeers ears and nose! And monkey head ! 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Now that's 2 way communication!

Little bamboushy is growing so fast and he is getting funnier and cuter everyday!

Look how he responds to my question :) 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

I can stand freely! :)))))))

Yaayy i can do it!

I can stand by myself without any support!

Today I turned 9 months old :)

Friday 3 October 2014

I do understand what mama says to me... LOOK!

I was talking in the kitchen with Tawheeda about the tetina, she was saying we call it "bazaza" and i told her that i call it "tito" and while saying this i found youssed listening intently and taking the "tito" out of his mouth and trying to put it into my mouth. So he actually understood what we were talking about ! :)

I tried asking him a out the tito again later that day to make sure he meant it and he did respond :)

This lovely little boy is starting to respond to simple commands now like raising his hands to the lights when i ask him "fin el Noor?" And waving bye bye and puttinf his hands on his eyes to play peekaboo :)fg

Saturday 30 August 2014

First sand & sea encounter

So we're at the beach and there is sand everywhere.. This is new to me so i had to experiment the feeling of it and of course the taste of it.. Felt and tasted gr8! Until i had to feel every bit of sand in my eyes, ears, mouth, nose.. Yes, i can sit unsupported but accidents do happen ppl and you should have protected me from falling face down into the sand!!!
Yet this close face encounter with the sand led to another amazing experience.. The seaaa :)
I loved it! The water, the waves, the sea breeze.. It was all amazing.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Daddy babysitting YES! Daddy @ bedtime NO!

Today mommy and sara went out shopping and daddy was babysitting.

It was fun at first.. Playing with the new mop and all :)

But then it was bedtime and bedtime means mommy time! And mommy wasn't there! So i cried and i cried and i cried.. 2 hrs have passed .. Got my pjs all wet from the tears when finally i saw a light at the end of the tunnel and i heard mama's voice in the house!!!! She was back with my favorite sister! And i was all smiles again!! 
Daddy was surprised to see me smile even laugh and he was so exahusted from trying to put me to sleep.. I dont think he liked me very much at the moment .. Sorry daddy, i love you!

Saturday 9 August 2014

Monday 4 August 2014

Welcome 2nd tooth! Im not very happy you're here!

My second tooth is here! Yaaaayyyy!

I can't lie and say that i'm happy about it.. No.. I am definitely not.. I am angry.. I am very angry.. I am in pain.. I want to bite you right now! 

But i still smile to mama even when she imprisons me in this laundry basket :)

Sunday 3 August 2014

Look at me! I can put my tito in my mouth !

Now i'm big and wise enough to know i can't put the tito in my mouth backwards so i turn it around with my tiny hands and put it into my mouth and ..voilaa :) check me out!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

I hit a new milestone - 1st TOOTH!!

Today I am 6 months & 9 days and my 1st tooth has appeared!

I am a bit grumpy about it though as it hurts me a bit but my mummy told me to man up in so i'm trying to ..
My tito makes the pain bearable and today i had it served freezing cold out of the freezer which was really comforting :)

I still practise my crawling fiercly around the house.. Im like a little racing worm getting around from here to there.. And I LOVE chasing the yellow balloon, it just drives me nuts!